Charities – The gift that keeps on giving

One area in which Red Letter has particular expertise is the charity sector. Clients have included PDSA, RNLI, Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, and Oxfam.

As every charity knows, it’s a challenge winning new supporters, whatever your sector. As great a challenge is keeping the loyalty of those regular donors already on your database. Not to mention encouraging them to open their wallets a little wider. Here at Red Letter we can help you with both.

Over the past fifteen years, we have worked successfully with a number of charities on projects as diverse as new recruitment and comparative research, magazine publishing and direct marketing, marketing consultancy, training seminars, new media and PR. And all have benefited.

If you would like to discover how we can help your charity grow, transform and adapt, we would be delighted to talk.

To discuss a whole range of charity opportunities, just call Matthew Le Fevre on 07768 580997 or 01865 240976 or email: